Thursday, May 7, 2009

"How to.." for dummy..I meant, newbie..

random pic
I've been busy for the past 2 weeks. That's why I haven't blog anything for about a week..What did I do? Organizing an event. A dinner for anniversary event to be precise. Not too big though..around 10-11 tables only..But I was the leader so..yeah, I learn new things, some were bitter and some were sweet. And no, it was not work related event. It's an NGO kinda event..

What I've learnt..

1. Make sure you have a good, proactive, reliable team member. Thank God I had such team.

2. Make sure you have plan B for any unforeseen situations.

3. Assigned each team member with the right task. But make sure you're also able to handle it just in case for the unforeseen situations. Member getting sick etc.

4. Make sure you have all of the team members number for update. And it might come in handy if there is a 'nice' girl in your team. ; ) ..but that's another story..focus on the event first ok..

5. Always update. But don't make it look too pushy or demanding.

6. No 'tukang arah' image. Very Important.

7. Ask for help if you face a problem. Don't try to be a 'know all' kind of person.

8. Multi-tasking is a very important skill. Learn it.

9. Be firm with your decision but not firm as in ego or kia-su. Anything goes wrong, don't blame others. Be a man....or woman.

10. I can only think of nine...hehe

p/s: I'm a newbie in this organizing event stuff..