Tuesday, April 21, 2009

At last, my new car, but first..another review for Viva.

I've got my new ride 1 weeks ago. I was thinking of making a review on it but....I decided to taste drive it first and compared it to my previous car, Perodua Viva.. The comparison might be like comparing and apple and an orange...But I'm gonna do it anyway..

But first, I wanna review a bit more about Perodua Viva..and this time, it won't be a nice review like my previous one.

When I first got my Viva, in the first week, I just "dislike" it..Yup...Everything about it are bad. The only good thing I can find on this car was its "Fuel Saving Value" and "easy to maneuver in city" handling. Other than that, are just a big NO NO for me.

But this new car of mine, after a week of driving it...I can't help but "like" this car. But one thing I dislike (and some other minor thing..in my next post), it is a fuel guzzler. It drink petrol so much that I've only done about 600km yet I've already fill its tank more than RM130 (roughly la) worth of petrol. Compared to my Viva, that price is a lot.

Like I said in my earlier review, Viva is an overpriced car. For RM37K car, Viva is just too expensive. And the safety of this Viva are so scary. (I'll post some picture on these scary safety feature on Viva.)

The body material is so thin that when you close the door it sound like an empty 'tin sardin' banged against a wall. The impact on collision would be like stepping on a tin cane. I've witness an accident involving a Viva and a Kelisa. The Kelisa hit the rear (back) side of the Viva and it wrecked so deep it reach the rear passenger seat. Luckily there was no rear passenger in the Viva. The Kelisa? You can still open the driver's door. Luckily, no body was killed though.

I'm not a Perodua basher or any car basher. It's just that a bad car, is a bad car. And Viva happens to be in that category for me.

So thinking of buying this car? Think again..

p/s: Next post, my new ride..hehe