Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My cam, pushing its limit in: slow shutter..(?)

Well, this particular type of effect made me wonder.. Can I snap this kind of effect with my compact digital camera?

I didn't snap this pic. Got it from here.
But, my digicam shutter speed can't be controlled or change freely like a DSLR. Yet, after a couple of trial and error, I've found a way to create such effect.

I used fireworks mode (It's said so in my digicam, dunno the real name..). I also used timer to snap the shot and placed my cam on a still object (since I don't have a tripod) or my shaky hand would make the pic blurry. With a little touch up using Photoscape...wala..

Hmm... I can see other possibilities with this effect..


  1. alo buss, telimpas blog ko sbb teklik klik links si Kuai.

    actually ada juga 'mode2' DSLR dalam compacts. tu 'fireworks mode' tu dia kasi palan shutter speed laitu. sama mcm pakai DLSR tangkap fireworks pun mau set slow shutter juga.
    jan ko ingat sa mo minta puji ah, sa pun mo meneroka function compact baini. gila betul mo bawa kamera basar jalan-jalan.
    urg tingu-tingu sambil kasi basar sabala mata nih.

    bah teruskan meneroka.

  2. cicak: alo bos..minta puji o ko..hehehe ndak bah..main2 ja..jgn marah..sya plak baru pikir2 mo upgrade pigi DLSR..kalau mo gambar org pakai kamera kicil..jual mhal tul dorang. Kalau DLSR jual murah plak dorang..hehe

    Gallivanter: Thanks bos..;)

  3. guong : btul bro, kalau pakai DSLR urg senyum pula kalau kana gmbr. kalau pakai compact, ada pula yg siap mo marah. dui. kanapaitu ah? mgkn durang ingat yg pakai DSLR ni reporter mangkali kan.

    sa inda pernah pakai compact jenama selain Sony sama Canon bah. tula mo tgk ko punya review pasal Olympus.
    Olympus Pen yg baru tu ok juga saiz dia mcm compact. Tapi DSLR quality oh. cuma tu la. harga mo putung jari oh hehe

  4. Olympus pen ka..sya cek2 tinggal 1 ringgit lagi RM3k sudah. tu pun std accessories ja. murah lagi DSLR+lens. Tapi sya memang jatuh hati oo sama ni tu la..$_$

    Ok tu Sony sma Canon tu Olympus yg sya guna ni model lama ni..pixel pun 7.1 ja..tu pun kalau gmbar malam punya byak 'semut' warna biru merah kuning..

    Hmm..tiba2 sya dpt ilham...tq bos..

  5. Bah kreatif juga ko tu... nanti sudah jadi pro....makin byk la gambar ko snap hehehee
